(Self) Love Notes Vol 1

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Friendships, Covid, and Self-Love

(Self) Love Note Vol 1

All my life, I have been terrible at following through on things.

I have been great at starting projects, and then I abandon them. My mother once said that I am the kind of person who “writes beautiful ‘thank you’ notes and then forgets to mail them.”

Ouch. She is right.

But my inability to follow through was never about other people. In fact, it has always hurt my soul to think that someone might be unhappy with me. No, it wasn’t about other people… it was about me.

In 2016 I started out to get happier and healthier from the inside out. Now, five years later, I could never have imagined just how deep the soul work I would be presented with doing really was.

I thought it was relatively surface-level stuff I wanted to address – my weight, my dating life, etc. It turned out to be personal transformation at its deepest, most core. Working through codependency and issues of self-worth and self-esteem. Big, shit.


One of the things I learned is that, subconsciously, I never believed I was worthy enough to actually DO things for myself. My likes. My needs. My promises to myself.

All of these meant nothing to me because I had no sense of real self and identity based on ME.


Why do I bring this up?
Shit. Well, I’ve tried to do email marketing to my community half a dozen times over the last few years. I start, and I stop. I start, and I stop.


Well, I’m going to try it again. What’s going to make it different this time?
A lot of it will be totally the same. Except I am different now. I make the bed every day. I notice what I eat. I shape my relationships differently. I send the cards and always make sure to have stamps on hand. I don’t hide dirty dishes in the freezer, scrambling to clean before company comes. (That’s a story for another day.)


Welcome to the Self-Love Notes. Each week, I will send an email that can be read in FIVE MINUTES OR LESS. The topics will be what you have come to expect from me – life, growth, self-love, and everything in between.


My goal is to guide you towards self-love. Self-love --- the actions and thoughts that help bring you closer to your greatest self. Self-love --- the process that can help you live a life that is defined by YOU, where you create your own joy and where you are untethered from the expectations of others. Self-love --- the shit that’s hard but awesome.


You can expect this email from me every week. Sometimes it will contain a link to something I find interesting!
It will NEVER contain affiliate links because I don’t do those. LOL.

It will probably NOT be perfect. But it will ALWAYS be real. It will ALWAYS be from the heart. And it will ALWAYS be sent with the intention of service.


Till next week.


With love,



Friendships, Covid, and Self-Love


A necessary conversation about diet culture and weight loss