Podcast ep 09 / Tips to Make it Through the Holidays

Ep 09 / Tips and tactics to stay self-loving this holiday season

Does the holiday season stress you out? If so, this podcast is for you!
In today’s episode we’re taking a practical yet irreverent look at how to navigate the holiday season as self-lovingly as humanly possible. AKA how to NOT lose your sh*t! With relatable anecdotes and actionable tips, I’m reminding you that you have the power to navigate family gatherings, overwhelming responsibilities, and the pressure of gift-giving while staying true to yourself. From managing meltdowns to reframing triggered emotions, we’re talking tips and tactics to take control of your holiday experience and prioritize self-care. If you’re working to  embrace imperfection, set boundaries, and find joy in the midst of holiday chaos, this is an episode for you.

Topics we’re chatting about:

  • Embracing self-love and authenticity during the holiday season.

  • Navigating family gatherings and holiday stress without resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

  • Differentiate between being 'triggered' and 'activated' during stressful situations.

  • Create a personalized holiday experience and devise a concrete plan to handle challenges. Understand the importance of self-care and forward planning during the holiday season.

  • Four concrete and practical strategies to navigate the holiday season. 

  • Understand the concept of a 'shit hits the fan' holiday toolkit, which includes a list of potential stressors and strategies to cope with them.

  • Understand the importance of advocating for oneself and strengthening the self-love muscle. 

  • Understand the value of practice and self-forgiveness when dealing with holiday stress.

  • Discover the power of proactive living and self-love during the holiday season.

  • Working with your boundaries by using “boundary scripts”

00:00 Intro: Survive the holiday season with self-love.
02:57 The big set up.
05:21 The goal is to stay self-loving and stay YOU.  What this means and why it matters?
07:26 Triggered vs Activated: Understanding the difference and why that matters.
11:40 The difference between having a REACTIVE or a PROACTIVE experience in life.
16:32 The importance of having a PROACTIVE holiday experience. Creating your Action Plan.
18:42 Strategy One: Define what the holiday needs to be for YOU.
22:00 Strategy Two: Give yourself the tools you need. 
23:58 Four steps to make a toolkit to prepare for holidays.
29:00 Strategy Three: Practice boundaries and use “boundary scripts” to set yourself up for success. 
32:58 Practice self-forgiveness.

Navigating the Holiday Season with Self-Love

The holiday season can be a stressful time of year, but it doesn't have to be. In this episode of Powered by Self Love, host Sarah Sapora discusses how to make it through the holiday season in a self-loving way. She explains that self-love is any thought or action that helps connect us to our ultimate self, and provides three strategies and tactics to help listeners navigate the holiday season without turning into a ball of stress.

Sarah emphasizes the importance of staying connected to ourselves and staying true to our core values and priorities, even when we are feeling overwhelmed. She also explains the difference between having a reactive and proactive holiday season, and encourages listeners to create a “shit hits the fan holiday toolkit” to help them navigate hard situations. As Sarah says, "It's important to remember that perfection is an absolute myth, and that all we can do is our best."

Strategy 1: Stay Connected to Yourself
The first strategy Sarah recommends is to stay connected to yourself. This means taking the time to check in with yourself and your feelings, and to be mindful of how you're feeling throughout the holiday season. It's important to remember that you are in control of your own emotions, and that you can choose how to respond to any situation. Sarah suggests taking a few moments each day to practice self-care, such as taking a walk, meditating, or journaling.

Strategy 2: Create a "Shit Hits the Fan" Toolkit
The second strategy Sarah recommends is to create a "shit hits the fan" holiday toolkit. This toolkit should include things that will help you stay grounded and connected to yourself, such as a list of your core values, a list of your priorities, and a list of activities that make you feel good. Having this toolkit on hand will help you stay focused on what's important to you, and will help you stay true to yourself even when things get tough.

Strategy 3: Practice Self-Forgiveness
The third and final strategy Sarah recommends is to practice self-forgiveness. It's important to remember that perfection is an absolute myth, and that all we can do is our best. Sarah encourages listeners to be gentle with themselves and to forgive themselves for any mistakes they make. She also suggests that if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, take a few moments to practice self-care and to remind yourself that you are doing the best you can.

Navigating the holiday season can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. By following Sarah Sapora's three strategies and tactics, you can make it through the holiday season in a self-loving way. Remember to stay connected to yourself, create a "shit hits the fan" holiday toolkit, and practice self-forgiveness. With these strategies, you can make it through the holiday season with grace and ease.


Download your worksheets from this episode here!

You can find this episode of Powered by Self-Love on Apple or Spotify

Check out my book! You can find Soul Archaeology on Audible, on Amazon, at Barnes and Nobles and Target and on my website.


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Don’t forget to laugh. Really.