Self-love is the stuff you think and do that actually makes your life greater on your terms. Sometimes, self-love can fun. Sometimes, you’d rather pluck eyebrow hairs out one at at time than do the self-loving things required to cast off the crappy stories you’ve believed your whole live to learn how to show up as your Ultimate You. Don’t worry. This is totally doable. I’ll show you!
I help plus size women “old enough to remember life before the internet” navigate the sticky place between radical self-acceptance and creating big change. I don’t do surface-level promises. And I won’t claim I can “fix” your life.
I love cowboy boots, strength training and Pilates. I’m not a coach or a spiritual teacher. I’m just a woman walking her own path with a gift for talking about hard things with humor and heart. I meditate. I sing in the car with the windows rolled down. And I love a good dirty joke.
I’m an author, a teacher, and a storyteller. I run personal growth retreats and workshops. I’m someone who wants to enjoy the fuck out of life while striving to be a thick, strong, feisty ninja spreading love-bombs and seeing as many beautiful sunrises as she can.
Personal growth does not have a dress size. Every single one of us deserves to feel hope that our life can be great. And we are all far more powerful than we believe if we stop falling for our own shit, take accountability, and offer ourselves self-compassion for our (totally human) flaws.
Like most folks, you probably think self-love is about bubble baths or going on social media and loudly proclaiming “I love my life!” for all the Likes and Comments. I have one thing to say in response… f*ck that.
Self-love is NOT what you think it is. Let me explain…
Do yourself a serious favor and read this book; then share it with every woman you love.
Mel Robbins -
Bestselling Author of The 5 Second Rule, and award-winning podcast host
Release the shame. Embrace the hard shit. And get ready to meet your Ultimate You on a deeper level than EVER before! This is self-love for real.
My debut book has been hailed by Publishers Weekly as a “a rousing ode to personal growth” with “soul-searching tips and relentless cheerleading make for a winning take on self-compassion.”
With each chapter I walk you though the process I used to liberate myself from my own (and others) expectations to create life on MY terms. Full of heartfelt essays and practical, actionable To Do’s you can’t starting doing TODAY, Soul Archeology is not your average self-help book. It’s deep. Vulnerable. Intensely real and human with none of the bullsh*t fake-positive fluff.

Follow Road-Trip-Palooza on my blog as I drive cross country!
Ooh lala! Look what we have here.
Freebies to help you ditch the shame and live life on your terms.
The official “Self-Abandonment Checklist” I talk about on podcasts and social media!
FREE eBook
Stop Screwing Yourself Over eBook to help you see how you c*ckblock your self-love and screw yourself out of a self-loving life… Real tips and what to do instead!
Hold up! Give me a week. Coming soon!
Sarah has a unique way of inspiring the best version of yourself while also loving the current version of yourself.
Here are a few ways I can help you.
Listen to my podcast.
“I count on Sarah’s podcast to tell it like it is. Her casual style makes me feel like we’re sitting in my living room, drinking coffee, having a chat that always gives me something to think about!”
- Kate, Las Vegas
Join me for an event.
I’ve helped hundreds of women to drop their guard and show up as their most true and liberated self. From day-long workshops in the US to my signature “Vatreat” retreat, I run self-development workshops for plus size women of every size.
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My emails are spam-free, digestible nuggets of self-love that you can read in five minutes or less. The best stuff you’ll ever read in.the bathroom!